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Specialized technology services supplier
We build User Experience Automations like:
Recommendation engines
Use interactive decision trees for product selection based on the customer's requirements. Decision trees can be customized based on your offerings and can take inputs from the customer to make recommendations directly from your ERP or commerce platform.
Eligibility calculators
Ask the right questions to your audience to quickly show them what offers they are eligible for.
Product comparison
Allow users to quickly compare products based on their features and specifications. The comparison can be customized based on your products and can take inputs from the customer to make product recommendations directly from your ERP or Commerce System.
Product configurators
Allow customers the freedom to customize their products with instant feedback on the factors that will help them choose the right product. Allow customers to download specifications and data sheets as well as integrate with your CRMs and ERP systems.
Calculators to help customers with their product selection or buying decisions. Educate customers on product compatibility, pricing, and other factors that influence their buying decisions.
Process guides and quizzes
Educate consumers and customers on best practices, safety and compliance. Create quizzes to test their knowledge.
Lead qualification
Ask the right questions to your leads to quickly determine if they are a good fit for your products or services.
Technical support
Help customers with installation, maintenance and to troubleshoot problems with their products. The decision tree can take inputs from the customer and make recommendations based on your knowledge base.
After sales support
Guides for after sales support to help customers with installation and maintenance. The decision tree can take inputs from the customer and make recommendations based on your knowledge base.
Document generation
Generate documents such as quotes, invoices, contracts, sales brochures and specification documents using logic based on the customer's inputs
Email, SMS and CRM automations
Reach out to your customers with personalized emails and SMS messages based on their interactions with your experiences.
Why our customers choose us
Proven Process
We specialize in uncovering and helping your customers down the critical path to critical choice selection.
Proprietary Software
We build and manage customer 'guides' using our proprietary Adaptive Content Experience Platform (aCXP).
Customer Service
Our growth is tied to your growth, and we will stop at nothing to ensure your organization is supported.